Unlock the Secrets to Generating High-Quality Leads for

Your Coaching or Consulting Business

Download my simple 8-step Lead Generation Blueprint and get instant access to the following:

  • Simple 8-step plan that will help you to gain clarity, attract more leads and get more clients
  • Easy exercises, actions and a checklist, that will take you from overwhelmed to confident and in control
  • Detailed roadmap from identification of your niche, to irresistible offer and sales
  • Includes the Elevator Pitch Formula, that will help you to clearly define and communicate Your Unique Selling Proposition!


Simply fill out the form below, and I'll send the Lead Generation Blueprint straight to your inbox!

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About me

Hi! I'm Josefine Wanner, a business growth strategist who pivoted from a two-decade corporate career in Financial Services to entrepreneurship.

I navigated through the unfamiliar territories of client attraction, service packaging, and sales - initially daunting, but ultimately rewarding.

It led me to where I stand today: as a successful business owner helping former corporate professionals building offers that are DESIGNED TO SELL.

In this Blueprint you will get the exact steps from identification of your Ideal Client, to defining and designing an irresistible offer that sells!

If you currently don't get the number of clients you would want (and need), something is off.

This blueprint will take you through the step-by-step process (8 steps in total), so that you can figure out what is not working, correct it, and finally see those sales coming in!

It's the roadmap I wish had been in my hands when I first became an entrepreneur.

I have helped clients like:

Daniela Kronvall, Manifestation Coach, gained 280 organic leads within 5 days, without a finalized offer

Kurt Rosenberg, left his high-profile corporate job and now enjoys a balanced lifestyle while closing high-ticket corporate clients

Jeanette Vinberg, an experienced dating coach, tripled her prices and expanded her reach to serve clients globally

Johanna Skoog attracted 45 participants to her first online course and consistently exceeds her sales goals